– Ordinance nº 215 / 2011 establishes in its article 12 that:
– Access to or stay in establishments may be refused to those who disturb their normal functioning, namely for refusing to comply with the operating rules imposed by legal or private provisions of the establishment, provided that these restrictions are duly publicized.
– Be allocated, in whole or in part, to exclusive use by members, beneficiaries or customers of the entities that own or operate them.
– Be the object of temporary reservation of part or all of the establishments.
– We advise you to read the Private and Legal Norms upon receipt of the SaunApolo 56 Before Making Payment.
N° 1 This establishment has a complaints book.
N° 2 Entry is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age.
N° 3 Smoking is prohibited inside the establishment.
N° 4 The Consumption and/or Sale of Drugs is Prohibited.
N° 5 It is forbidden to enter the establishment with a white or firearm, even if legal.
N° 6 The Provision of Sexual Services is Prohibited.
N° 7 The management reserves the right to control the number of customers entering the establishment, taking into account the maximum capacity, compliance with DGS standards or other public bodies, as well as the establishment's legal and private standards.
N° 8 Only Multibanco and Visa payments worth €10 or more will be accepted.
N° 9 The beverages on display are for consumption at the establishment.
N° 10 On certain days and times the advertised promotions are not in effect without prior notice.
N° 11 On public holidays, promotions will not be in effect.
N° 12 It is mandatory to read the Private and Legal Norms upon receipt of the SaunApolo 56, Before Making Payment.